Friday, December 30, 2005
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
i'll be back soon, and i hope to wrap up this year really nicely. maybe 2 more sunrises, 3 more strolls from college, 4 more conversations that last till early morning, and many more days of faith, hope and love to come. what say you? =)
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Friday, December 16, 2005
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Saturday, December 10, 2005
the advance call,
the first appearance,
the salutations, followed by the inspection,
the march past,
the blessings,
the presentations and address,
the pledge taking,
the declaration,
handing over of colours,
and the march off.
after which we come back on for the affixing of epaulettes,
then the toss of head dress.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
oh well, it's been rehearsals everyday, along with some activities that we do as a cohort. 370 people doing things together, indeed cumbersome.
thankful for all the ACPC rehearsals that the army wings had, because MIDS and AIR were excused since we're from a different service. gave us little breathers here and there.
it's down to the last 5 days of rehearsals, and then the actual thing on sat. that's all folks huh. 9 months, or rather 38 weeks, and it doesn't end here. in fact it's the start of more to come.
true indeed, and i ain't sure i'm ready for it. i've been drilled for the past year to be a trainee, a cadet, a low life correction no life midshipmen. so yeah, suddenly with the commissioning i'm expected to behave and act the way my instructors for the past 40 weeks or so have been showing us. i ain't exactly enthusiastic to do so, since most of their walks ain't exactly what they walk about.
well, it's the last book in.
early dinner,
and it's probably the last time i'm going to have to don the white long sleeve shirt and black pants to move in and outta camp. so well =)
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
Saturday, November 12, 2005
rejection in it's own subtle ways.
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
"desecrated, putrid, and defiled thou soul hast becometh...
prevaricated, a canard, and a sham is what your life is.."
what a sad state anything can come to, and yet it has to be that greater things might come to past. on a brighter note, at least i know i ain't defenceless against this onslaught and suffocating intoxication. i've got a my battle plan ready, and it's time to move from inside the ramp on to the beach for war..
Lord, let it to now, today, that the silver show the truth, that the scales fall, and that the heart and soul be broken that it might be contrite. broken only can you teach, then do what's necessary. make that difference happen my King, and 3 fortnights from now, we shall see the advancement of thy troops marching as planned, with heads held high, proud to be wearing armour that bears your emblem burnt deep into their souls. may we have Your blessings for we ask these in His name. Amen.
Monday, October 31, 2005
just in case you're wondering that's the number of days to the end of course and parade day respectively.
i'm home, but i'm going out soon again.. where's that kid?
Sunday, October 23, 2005
my link was the tugging of what she would think. frankly if knowing her's going to jeopardize what i've got with her thus far, i rather forgo the potential friendship. i know what i know deep down in my heart.
i believe you're worth it.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
and the red ferrari 4005 sped past. hahaha.. for those of you who don't get it, come ask me =)
"risk when taken is often done so by those who take it with the faith and hope that things will work out for the better than not having taken the risk.."
it's been a while now since i've updated, but it probably means i've had better things to do. besides something's wrong with the coms in the gunroom, so i can't update from camp anymore. oh well, too bad, not that i'm complaining about it lah.
the 55th are in, have been initiated, and it's been a longgggggggggggg and tiring week. hope this one's going to be lighter than the last, i could do with the breather.
i can always look forward, and i should.
but i have every other azimuth apart from the current one i'm facing to distract me from my current line of sight.
so what makes me fixate my eyes upon the current thought that makes so much sense to me in this direction by seems to defy logic when i turn around?
the answer's faith, hope and love.
and it comes from no other than Him.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
yay!~ i'm going to church today. haven't done so in 6 weeks. and i miss them alot. everyone in church. my kids, the youths, godpa, my cellgroup, and the musicians. all of them yes, i miss them all. probably miss the batch meal, not really interested in it, but i really wanna thank the juniors. shall get them something to thank them.
oh well, it's raining, and it's cold, but i know i can seek warmth from the Lord. things are just happening around me now, and i ain't exactly interested in paying attention to any particular one event at this point in time. if it's apathy Lord, help me, but if it's a breather i'm taking from all that hustle and bustle, then please let me have it.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
can't be bothered with it lah, i know they pinned it down on me based on something they couldn't verify, and since they're got those gold things on their shoulders, i shall not attempt to blow it up. i just wanna complete the course and be done with this school.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
"the 54th WEF today are known as seniors, the white admin shorts would be purchased and issued tomorrow..."
i first remember the feeling when i first heard that the OCS course was going to be 38 weeks long, 4 weeks short of the supposed 42weeks that my seniors went through, but the figure 38 seem daunting, and scary at that time. now it's been reduced to 13, and it's exactly 90 days left. deepak and i counted earlier on. haha..
i'm back at the wingline, serving the confinement that we got as a batch due to an integrity problem. i ain't going to shun away that we all copied from those taskbooks, but it's an open secret that all batches did so, and only we were dumb enough to get caught. haha. i'm just going to shake it off with laughter. the only pity's that i didn't get to go to church today. i miss it lots, i miss my kids, i miss my cellgroup, and i miss Him.
so much has happened, but then again, it's so much only because i've been away and the lack of update's probably what makes all this change seem gargantuan.
i made a decision not to worry so much, and hopefully that helps me not to think unnecessary thoughts too. i wanna live for the moment, enjoying and savouring every single bit of Him bringing us through it all.
Monday, August 15, 2005
thankful for the prayer session we had last night, hopefully there'll be another this sunday even as we climb Mt Bromoe.
will you be there with me in spirit?
Saturday, August 13, 2005
2. brown b.buffel set. sheesh, the money ain't the problem. it's when i would allow myself to get it.
3. more ram for my laptop. hopefully dad pays for this.
in case you're wondering, that's my wishlist as of today.
so much said over coffee, well, not literally in words, but in the thoughts that were going through my mind. somehow i see that reading the last two books, and having spent time with You onboard the ship has been a way to prepare me mentally for what i learnt today from her. i in no way hold anything against her, and i'm glad i spoke what i said, because i know it came with the wisdom that you gave me. i can only thank you. yes that's what i will do. =)
Monday, August 01, 2005
i had a few thoughts running through my head last night before i fell into slumber. random, but all part of what makes me who i am.
i don't really remember planning per se to have said whatever i did, and i don't know whether what i said's going to reap positive or negative repercussion.
got to start packing before i leave for mj to pass shyuan his textbook, pass izzy my textbook, collect my cert, and catch up with some friends and hopefully a teacher - although i don't know what we can talk about - and then on to lunch, before coming home to rest and finish up the packing.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
i've finished reading my book. "Every Young Man's Battle" is a must read for young christian men, like myself, who live in a world like ours.
i) bouncing my eyes away
ii) acknowledging that i was bought at a price and that i should live my life for Him, and not in a way i simply wish to.
iii) remember that as God's child there must not be a hint of sexual immorality in my life, for that's not what He desires of us as his children.
i'll be sailing off in another 5 days, and there things to be settled. i'm glad i've finally arranged for them to be. let's see how all goes. tonight's D&D should be fine albeit the officers' presence, hope they don't destroy the fun with their weird rules and what not.
tomorrow's coaching with uncle mengkim at 3pm, not sure what i'll do at night.
nothing planned for sat, maybe i'll spend the day resting, or maybe shopping.
sunday! =) hahaha, class with my kids, bible study, and the afternoon with her! what more can i ask for huh? *smiles*
monday should be spent with lump if nothing goes wrong.
and then i'm off on tuesday. hahahahaha..
oh well.. till then.. till things fall into place, pray and don't give up hope =)
Sunday, July 24, 2005
what's 2 months or 6 weeks for that matter compared to an eternity?
what's a 'go slow' sign compared to being able to declare it's a red light for the days to come?
i know it's what i want, and i'm glad you said what you did. let's wait and see, more importantly, let's pray and wait upon the Lord. i miss you, yes i do.
see you soon.
Monday, July 18, 2005
i'm off to onboard ship training for this week, hope you all take care and have a great week ahead =)
Sunday, July 17, 2005
haha, according to her, i should tell you this, cause she thinks it would be really sweet, but would it mean the same to you?
i'm amazed at the way words flow in the conversations with other friends. the magnificent pictures we paint with words, but when it comes to talking to you, i'm dumbstruck. i think it's mainly cause i watch you in silence at times, that's what i call appreciating beauty.
for those who thought i was going to fly up to the clouds cause i was leaving camp for the weekend, it wasn't that case. =p
anyway, that was yesterday. here's today.
if there's one thing i care about, it's you. yes you.
and it's there's a second thing i care about, it's my kids. i know i care enough for them to make a decision in my life, knowing that it's for their good.
in uncle mengkim's words,
a Godly mentor is one who constantly directs his mentees to God, and not to himself.
yeah, that served to remind me of how i should talk to my kids whenever i
take the lessons, or when i call them up during the week. i should also not put
them in situations where comparison should be made between their leaders.
yeah, thus i made a choice. it's personal, and i don't think anyone else but God knows. don't think i'm ready to share it as yet, but maybe in future. just maybe =)
i'm really glad you're being more comfortable with me. i truly am. hope you settled into hostel well, it's going to a week long camp, do take care and hope you stay in the pink of health don't quit smiling, it's beautiful, you're beautiful.
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
ok, i just needed to let that out.
Monday, July 11, 2005
from the looks of it, the first leg's going to be the most tiring, since it's going to be 11 days at sea straight as compared to the other 3 legs, but oh well, what's only tough that doesn't kill you would only make you stronger.
the security briefing after that MSTD briefing was bad, very very bad. 3 quarts the class was falling asleep most of the time, and the rest who were awake were busy learning their morse codes and flags. hahaha, i kinda got the hang of it too. =)
.. --|..|...|... .-..|---|..-
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Man, that slow excruciating pain as it slowly crept into my thigh muscle group. That hurt quite a bit. Whether I relaxed or stretched, it just wouldn’t go away. I was sent to the medical center shortly after that. Upon reaching, deep heat spray was applied to my thighs and I couldn’t really feel anything after that because both my legs were numb at that point in time. Sat down, and I started to feel nausea, so I rushed to the toilet and puked out what little was left of the Red Bull drink I had barely an hour ago. My head was spinning a little too. I’m starting to think maybe it’s got something to do with the blood. Firstly, the lack of it that led to the initial pain in my muscle, then the lactic acid buildup. Then as all the blood finally rushed to my legs, it moved away from my brain, and that’s why I probably felt giddy. The last time I puked cause of such pain was when MJ lost to SAJC 3-2 after leading 2-0 in the first half. Those were the days of council.
That aside, I have been feeling moody. I can’t say it’s exactly healthy, but I’m just responding to the situations that are happening around me. Here you have a senior of the 53rd government body breathing down your neck, although about issues that you know you’re in the wrong, but it’s just the face. Crap, I know that’s a lousy excuse, and I should not be feeling like that. Till I get over it, just let me feel like this for now.
On a happier note, the MSTD government for the 54th has been announced. Linkesh is MWC, Benedict’s MXO, Kovin’s MSO, Santhosh’s MMO, Weixian’s MLO, my buddy Jason’s MEO, last but not Nigel’s MSAO. In Links’ words, we’ll go through this together. If the shit hits the fan, then let’s take it together as a batch, at least when we stand on the parade square on that final day, we would be equals, and not someone not worth looking in the eye.
I retook my ASTRO test, hope I’ll clear it this time. At least I did not walk out of the room knowing that I will fail. I’m just waiting to use the computer today, cause I want to read up on the news, and I also want to do some blog reading. However, Daniel has just informed me, that blog surfing is not allowed in the gunroom on those two computers that have Internet access. Yeah right, I read the standing orders, and nowhere was it mentioned, I am not going to be bothered by what he said. We’re having silent MXO rounds now, so I’m just slacking away. Oh well, who cares? At least I know I don’t for now.
Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Oh well, then the thoughts come again. I know it’s never going to happen, not in my life at least, not such a love story. I don’t doubt that something as wonderful or even better (in terms I cannot comprehend) can and may happen if I have the Lord’s blessings with the life partner He has set aside for me, but with the way things are going, all seems, hopeless?
No it doesn’t, I’m just feeling despondent, and I know on the more rational side of my mind that it is not time. God has a purpose for putting me through NS, and I am not going to let my world crumble apart. It can’t, not when whatever process I am going through is part of His plan for me. See the logic or rather the lack of it when people who claim to have faith that God’s in their lives go,
“Oh no, my life is falling apart, everything just is not going my way!”
We love because He first loved us – 1 John 4:19
Lord I truly touch my heart and thank you that you first loved us, and that you gave us love. Lord, help me to understand, appreciate and differentiate the gifts of love and emotions Lord. They compliment one another perfectly at times, and it’s another one of those unexplainable wonders – the feelings that we feel – of your omnipotence Lord. Help me learn that although I love being in touch with those feelings, I have to be matured to accept that maybe the time is just not right yet. Loving that someone special can only come about if you give your blessings, and Lord, that I know that is what truly matters to me. Help me love my friends with the love that you have for them, and that I truly be a friend to them with no selfish intentions Lord. I cherish the angels that you have put in my life and they make me who I am Lord. Continue to help me grow into the person you’ve made me to be, all these I thank You for and pray in Your name.
had coffee with josh and regina on sunday after bible study. good session, and the takeaway of the session was that there would come a point in time when i would have to tackle issue and not people whether i felt like it or not.
it's going to be like this especially when it invovles humans who's characters are unique to themselves and it ain't going to be easy to change them.
came back to camp, had an ok night's rest, and was preparing myself mentally for the sortie next day, ended up just sleeping a little later not having done much perparation like going through the charts etc
sortie was good, was blessed with a relac-jack CO MAJ DEPAK KUMAR. cool guy! it was a fam-sortie, and i learnt quite a bit. it was definitely a great feeling having the wind in your hair,and a beautiful sight - the wharf retreating to the horizon as we slipped off. standing on the bridge wing with the sun setting thus making the sea red was probably what i enjoyed the most, but some officer had to come spoil it by giving me an attitude when i took over as MOW - Midshipmen Of the Watch. oh well, i've got things to learn, so i shall just suck it up.
then came MOD de-brief. it was supposed to be short. then came along the term de-brief discussion, it was supposed to be short too. but one after another - this wasn't planned - batch mates stood up and voiced out their opinions. some lamented and swore at their unhappiness with certain issues of the batch, and others stood up to take the blame for it. in all sincerity, i'm glad this 'trashing session' took place, but would it really work results? i hope so.
also, the pre-mids are here. i don't want to be to them what the seniors were to us. i hope i can be a friend to them. period.
the day's very very slacked. the regulars are outta camp for dental check-up, thus the NSFs like myself are back at wingline with nothing to do till lunch. after lunch, a DO interview is scheduled, and with cpt leong as our DO.. haha, what else needs to be said?
alright laters.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
infatuation is the idea of being in love. - that's what someone said.
well, i don't know really. have i loved or have i just been stuck with the idea of being in love? sure i do love my parents, sister and brother, and friends like handi, Yy, josh and andrew, and i must say, it's hardly what i would call a feeling oriented kinda love, if you know what i mean. it's been more a subtle deep understanding that what i feel for them is something i chose. so does that then make love something that's meant to be void of feelings?
don't get me wrong when i speak of feelings here, because i do understand that love is essentially an act of the will, and not some warm, cosy, lovey-dovey feeling that we 'feel' as a result of chemical reactions in our bodies.
the Word speaks of love, - the ideal kind - the one that the Lord has for us, but truly, in all pessimism, how can fallen beings like you and i ever dare to dream of loving one another when love was from God to us?
on a more positive note, i think they who say that love defies logical trains of thought are truly wise men, or rather those who have humbly resigned to the fact that we as beings of well below par acumen would never grasp the simple yet noble idea/concept of love. because i would never be able after having lived for my past 19years to say i do not love my parents, sister and brother.
i'm afraid, of the unknown. truly, i do not know what lies ahead, although i can hope, optimism or pessimism are but opinions of a fallen faculty of thought, i've felt much, too much in fact in the past few days, that i ought to take a breather from feelings and focus on brain power exercise, mental stress, and getting my facts into my head for MSTD.
night and out.
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Lord, help me be contented with what you put in my life every single moment. help me appreciate and acknowledge that it's all there for a reason, and that all things should and must point back to you.
had a great session with my kids this morning, and i'm sure it was heavy going, but i know what's tough would only make you stronger. we will grow together as we continue to learn from each other in the intellectual sparring that will take place as we study God's word =)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
caught batman and initial D in two weekends, both were ok.
been thinking or rather feeling alot about some stuff, but haven't really came to any conclusion, so that's it for now.
and i spent the day eating lunch and dinner at cartel. don't ask me why it happened, it just did.
Monday, May 23, 2005
-is who you wanna tuck into bed every night even if it means only being able to do it over the phone
-is the person you wanna call up even though you don't feel like saying a single word
-is the one's who's text message you're ever eager to reply
-is the very reason why you feel you need to set things straight every time it goes outta place, be it with yourself, or when it's an issue between the two of you
i'm just asking the question, i've yet to come up with an answer to it. help me along would you?
Sunday, May 15, 2005
Sunday, May 08, 2005
due to the nature of my uniform, i've been doing alot of ironing, and over time, i've been reminded time and again by something a preacher once mentioned.
'my favourite household chore is ironing, cause when i do it, i get talk to God, and also straighten things out'
it happened for me this weekend too. had to settle an issue, and although i didn't get it straighten out till the very last min, i'm still glad i did.
it's back to camp for another week.
Friday, April 29, 2005
haha I think I probably just experienced the slackest 2 days of my life in MIDS. Seniors aren’t around, no officers are around (apart from Chan YS being around for swimming yesterday along with TCO – he rocks man seriously- who actually bianged him) and the best part, the training schedule is light. Well, I hope this long weekend would be a good time to recharge for the following week, where the pace is only going to get faster with many more tests, lessons and IPPT on Friday. Hope the asics come in by then so that I can use it to run my 2.4km.
on a positive note, I realized that the FNOs are actually quite nice people, and not a secluded lot of midshipmen. They’re actually quite open with guys, and I still hold unto the view that my NS life would never be what it would be without interaction with FNOs. They’re starting to term me as one of their jiemei again, just like in JC, man.. hope the good things happen, without the negative complications. Argh.. *shrugs, that was a bad experience
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
A revelation about trust, the trust part isn’t what I’m jubilated about, but rather the fact that you wished for me to be there at times when you’re sad.
To want to have someone by your side when you’re happy, you seek that person to share the joy. To want that same person by your side when you’re down, you seek that person for comfort, in hope to lessen your pain. Ask, and I promise I’ll try my best to be there.
Well, I think I shall sleep proper tonight, since my next two days will be slack, moreover it’ll be a long weekend, so hopefully I’ll fully recharge =) till I meet you, I miss you =)
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
I’m off to 7 lessons of fixing with LTC Deepak today then there will be a IPPT trial test in the afternoon of which I would not be a part of because of ATT B status, thankfully to a great extent.
Well, something did happen on my MOD day, had to write a statement in the end, but that’s not what this entry’s about.
I just finished playing pool with shaun, used my 4k1 for the first time. Played well, enjoyed his company too. Didn’t talk much though.
Neither is this entry about pool. Just felt like updating that I had a talk with J.Beckman and roy hoong, they’re NSF like myself, and I guess some of my batch div mates are starting to see some issues in a way that I would, or maybe it should be the other way round, I seeing it in their view. Oh well, I’m enjoying this shore leave thus far. Hope things turn out fine for the upcoming week.
Got quite abit of stuff to buy, hopefully will get to settle them all asap.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I’m on 4 days ATT B status. Not something I’m really happy about, but at least the last thing I have to worry about for the next 4 days is fatigue due to physical strain. My chest is hurting mildly as I breathe in hard, I think it’s the work of the phlegm that’s stuck in my nasal passage, and maybe cause I’m coughing too. The room is so stuffy, jason’s coughing, and without ventilation, I’m not surprised I’ve caught the virus too. They’re at the pool having SPT1, I don’t think it’ll be a problem for me to clear that exercise/test but I’m just not in the mood today I guess.
Learnt quite abit on chart work today, and it’s really fun =) at least I’m beginning to see the interesting portions of navigation rather than just boring theory work.
I spoke to you last night, and I’m happy that you’re glad with what I said to you, as I was glad we even talked. =) hmmm… won’t be seeing you this weekend, hope I get to the next weekend though, it’s a long one cause of labor day. Heheh, can I ask you out on a date then? =p
Well, tonight we’re going to have our first night classes of 3 this week, and it’s actually the first night training we’re having thus far in MIDS. Hope it’ll be good, maybe we’ll even get to go in admin attire. Really need to buck up in Mr Jaya’s lesson, since there’s a test this sat on it.
Monday, April 18, 2005
The night is ‘young’, it’s 2312 at the moment, and more than half the wing is still very active. It’ll probably stay this way till about 0100. I’m targeting to sleep latest by 0200, so till then, I have quite a bit of stuff to settle.
journal entry about SEA-EX
study for navs one more round
help Jason type out the required info
talk to God
get 3 hours of sleep =)
Sunday, April 17, 2005
thankful for whatever's happened during this liberty break, checking back in to reality soon. two exams this week, i hope i clear them, esp the comms one.
looking forward to more of whatever comes. =)
blessed week for you all i hope!
Well, it was a mini confession on your side telling me you do like me, and I’m glad you shared. I’m not floating, but I’m definitely happy =) and I seriously hope you liked the flower.
I spent some time playing pool with my brother and I didn’t really enjoy it cause the balls were in bad condition and the table’s kinda overused for the day, collected too much moisture after a whole day of being used I guess.
Spent A LOT of money today. Bought coffee, things like my thermal water bottle, and most of all, placed my $350 deposit for my predator 4k1. It’s coming on Monday, but I ain’t going to collect it till a month later when my next pay comes in, then I’ll go collect it. It’s not going to run away anyway. =p going to church in a few hours time, and I still have not really studied, planning to catch some sleep, get up at 0600, start studying for a while, then proceed to church, after which I would come home and mug. Planning to reach camp latest by 2045, then can start preparing my uniform etc, and finish up one more round of mugging hopefully before we end the night.
Spent A LOT of money today. Bought coffee, things like my thermal water bottle, and most of all, placed my $350 deposit for my predator 4k1. It’s coming on Monday, but I ain’t going to collect it till a month later when my next pay comes in, then I’ll go collect it. It’s not going to run away anyway. =p going to church in a few hours time, and I still have not really studied, planning to catch some sleep, get up at 0600, start studying for a while, then proceed to church, after which I would come home and mug. Planning to reach camp latest by 2045, then can start preparing my uniform etc, and finish up one more round of mugging hopefully before we end the night.
by the way, for those of you who have been checking for updates, i'm sorry this one came after so long. i've been really busy thus the lack of updates. thanks for caring though, hope you all are doing fine. =)
Thursday, March 10, 2005
Saturday, March 05, 2005
And its pages are torn
with places where there’s traces of tears
Yet more precious than gold
Is this book worn and old
That can shatter and scatter our fear
As I prayfully look
Into this precious old book
Many treasures and pleasures I see
Many promises of love
From my father above
Who is nearest and dearest to me
This book is a guide
A friend by my side
It will lighten and brighten my day
And each promise I find
Truth will gladden my mind
As I preach it and teach it each day
To this book I will cling
Of the words I will sing
Though many corpses and losses be mine
But I cannot despair
Though surrounded by care
By possessing this blessing divine
Great God we praise on all Your works I look
Yet Your wisdom, power and grace
Shine brightest in this book
The stars are in the heavenly row have much instruction given
But only your word instruct my soul
On how to get to heaven
Saturday, February 26, 2005
i'm 2 weeks from POP, after which i'll go where God puts me =)
so much has happened, seriously, but it's all being recorded either in memory, words or even pictures. well, the time would come where all can be savoured as the past. trust me, that day would come, because i've got faith in that happening myself. take that step with me? =)
Friday, February 11, 2005
-like the ends of a pearl necklace hold together, let me clasp my hand in yours-
so much sharing, warmth, and revelation. but be warned there will be more. it's not all going to be warm and comfy, there are going to be rocky times, cold wars, and even prolonged periods of silence.
keep in mind that the status quo is nice, and if God so willing, let it stay this way, but knowing the imperfections that are ever so present, be on guard for what can happen.
it's a committment, and it's going to take more effort then just a solo pilot. work at this together, in a way that would allow those invovled to look back, with pride that no problem was dodged but confrotned with boldness and assurance that it would undo itself in God's time, with the comfort that the storm was braced through in each other's company.
Wednesday, February 09, 2005
"maybe we should talk less, use the night for thinking and rest, to be still and know that He is God"
it took me a while to digest the fullness of this, and yes thankfully i was preoccupied. it allowed slow seeping of the possibilities into my mind, after all it was only text.
the conclusion, i'm happy about it for various reasons that would not be mentioned here. =)
-this morning-
it is cny (as much as the lack of activities highly suggest it's just another public holiday that's got nothing to do with us like hari raya etc), so i'm off for visitation.
the dinner last night was .. ok. the food was expensive, but i wouldn't say fantastic, i guess what stood out to me more was that after so many years, we had a complete extended family. that grandpa and big uncle actually sat at the same dinner table, and that we actually said grace before food, i truly see God's hands working in my maternal family. Amen.
i'm off to the paternal side, which i ain't exactly turned on by the idea. imagination and recollection of this people... shudders.. but oh well, i'm pragmatic so i'm going. =p read deep into this. hahaha =p i'm off.
Monday, February 07, 2005
i'm supposed to be sleeping/resting, but i can't at the moment. it's a warm afternoon, even though i'm in a not-so-cold aircon room. my nose is clogged, and i'm tired.
i'm thinking of doing something to relax, that would be quiet, so gaming's outta the question.
well, i'm going to.... i don't know. i'll figure out.
Saturday, February 05, 2005
i enjoyed,
the show,
the time spent,
the coffee,
the talk,
and you for you.
i liked the talk, the way i was able to breathe after all of it, because of things both you and i said.
"when you tear all the layers away, what should remain, is faith, truth, and the acknowledgement that God is above all problems that can occur.."
-savour the moments as we stroll down this path. there's not yet a need to run, so take time to breathe, feel, see, hear, think, and understand. the relative concept of speed is nullified in this context, so yes, what's a little patience now when we've got the whole of eternity if this was what it is..-
been a while since i could talk to someone about God the way i spoke to you today, and i'm really happy. the walks to and fro, destination-less they might have been, but not senseless, and very enjoyable. i could get used to this.
-some feelings in hibernation were nudged awake, and others were born. red is the colour of blood, and blood is life. is that life you injected into them? pour forth the gift if that is so..-
got bible study material to prepare before i sleep
got a morning run to run
got breakfast to catch with my brother and bryan and ron
and a fufilling day in church to attend.
goodnight earth, and the extraterretial life out there, where you are.
Sunday, January 23, 2005
today's at 1945. well, goodbye to you all for another 12 days because my field camp commences on friday, thus i won't be back next weekend.
seriously, nothing sucks as much one particular issue. being absent from mainland means an absolute no chance of something happening. but oh well, hope is what i have to keep me going on i guess.
i'm hoping for a miracle i don't expect to happen.
Lord, i believe, but help me with my unbelief.
confused? i'll talk to you if i ever get the chance to and if you do ask me. that's when i'm back though.
Friday, January 21, 2005
well, an army that's got no regimentation's not an army, so i guess yes i'll have to take it in stride with God's strength.
my only issue thus far is the lewd talk and ever-so-frequent spurts of foul language. man, i don't wanna complain about it, cause i can't provide a solution at this point in time. till i can, i'll just remain mum about it as much as i can.
'The Aviator' was a movie that engaged my mind. a refreshing experience from the army where you just have to process the (rather) simple instructions and protocols taught to you. i hope i don't screw up, especially with the live rounds and grenades man. *shudders at the thought of the possibilities of gunshot wounds*
did my groccery shopping today, going to get my field camp stuff tomorrow, and that's all for tonight i guess. it's good to be home. camp's sweet, but home's sweeter.
night people.
all the best tomorrow for you =)
Friday, January 07, 2005
coughing, blocked nose, and an irritable temper.
i hope i would enjoy the change in environment. away from people i know, being together with people i hardly know. maybe this change would be good.
then when i know those i initially didn't, and not know those i used to, maybe the switch might come about again.
nobody knows. nobody knows it but me.
i'm happy you're in touch with your feelings, and your new ec. atta girl. all the way =)