Wednesday, July 06, 2005

MIDS Challenge – the very start was the very end

Man, that slow excruciating pain as it slowly crept into my thigh muscle group. That hurt quite a bit. Whether I relaxed or stretched, it just wouldn’t go away. I was sent to the medical center shortly after that. Upon reaching, deep heat spray was applied to my thighs and I couldn’t really feel anything after that because both my legs were numb at that point in time. Sat down, and I started to feel nausea, so I rushed to the toilet and puked out what little was left of the Red Bull drink I had barely an hour ago. My head was spinning a little too. I’m starting to think maybe it’s got something to do with the blood. Firstly, the lack of it that led to the initial pain in my muscle, then the lactic acid buildup. Then as all the blood finally rushed to my legs, it moved away from my brain, and that’s why I probably felt giddy. The last time I puked cause of such pain was when MJ lost to SAJC 3-2 after leading 2-0 in the first half. Those were the days of council.

That aside, I have been feeling moody. I can’t say it’s exactly healthy, but I’m just responding to the situations that are happening around me. Here you have a senior of the 53rd government body breathing down your neck, although about issues that you know you’re in the wrong, but it’s just the face. Crap, I know that’s a lousy excuse, and I should not be feeling like that. Till I get over it, just let me feel like this for now.

On a happier note, the MSTD government for the 54th has been announced. Linkesh is MWC, Benedict’s MXO, Kovin’s MSO, Santhosh’s MMO, Weixian’s MLO, my buddy Jason’s MEO, last but not Nigel’s MSAO. In Links’ words, we’ll go through this together. If the shit hits the fan, then let’s take it together as a batch, at least when we stand on the parade square on that final day, we would be equals, and not someone not worth looking in the eye.

I retook my ASTRO test, hope I’ll clear it this time. At least I did not walk out of the room knowing that I will fail. I’m just waiting to use the computer today, cause I want to read up on the news, and I also want to do some blog reading. However, Daniel has just informed me, that blog surfing is not allowed in the gunroom on those two computers that have Internet access. Yeah right, I read the standing orders, and nowhere was it mentioned, I am not going to be bothered by what he said. We’re having silent MXO rounds now, so I’m just slacking away. Oh well, who cares? At least I know I don’t for now.

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