Sunday, January 23, 2005

it's a sunday, and the start of many, in which i would start counting down to my book-in time.
today's at 1945. well, goodbye to you all for another 12 days because my field camp commences on friday, thus i won't be back next weekend.

seriously, nothing sucks as much one particular issue. being absent from mainland means an absolute no chance of something happening. but oh well, hope is what i have to keep me going on i guess.

i'm hoping for a miracle i don't expect to happen.
Lord, i believe, but help me with my unbelief.

confused? i'll talk to you if i ever get the chance to and if you do ask me. that's when i'm back though.

Friday, January 21, 2005

i'm back, and i met some extraterrestrial life, and it was pleasant time spent =)

well, an army that's got no regimentation's not an army, so i guess yes i'll have to take it in stride with God's strength.

my only issue thus far is the lewd talk and ever-so-frequent spurts of foul language. man, i don't wanna complain about it, cause i can't provide a solution at this point in time. till i can, i'll just remain mum about it as much as i can.

'The Aviator' was a movie that engaged my mind. a refreshing experience from the army where you just have to process the (rather) simple instructions and protocols taught to you. i hope i don't screw up, especially with the live rounds and grenades man. *shudders at the thought of the possibilities of gunshot wounds*

did my groccery shopping today, going to get my field camp stuff tomorrow, and that's all for tonight i guess. it's good to be home. camp's sweet, but home's sweeter.
night people.
all the best tomorrow for you =)

Friday, January 07, 2005

i'm 23hours away from enlistment. not feeling anything in particular.
coughing, blocked nose, and an irritable temper.

i hope i would enjoy the change in environment. away from people i know, being together with people i hardly know. maybe this change would be good.
then when i know those i initially didn't, and not know those i used to, maybe the switch might come about again.
nobody knows. nobody knows it but me.

i'm happy you're in touch with your feelings, and your new ec. atta girl. all the way =)

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

financial independence is my new year resolution.

that was the final hundred dollars i took. i hope, but i'll learn to survive.