Wednesday, February 09, 2005

-last night-
"maybe we should talk less, use the night for thinking and rest, to be still and know that He is God"

it took me a while to digest the fullness of this, and yes thankfully i was preoccupied. it allowed slow seeping of the possibilities into my mind, after all it was only text.
the conclusion, i'm happy about it for various reasons that would not be mentioned here. =)

-this morning-
it is cny (as much as the lack of activities highly suggest it's just another public holiday that's got nothing to do with us like hari raya etc), so i'm off for visitation.
the dinner last night was .. ok. the food was expensive, but i wouldn't say fantastic, i guess what stood out to me more was that after so many years, we had a complete extended family. that grandpa and big uncle actually sat at the same dinner table, and that we actually said grace before food, i truly see God's hands working in my maternal family. Amen.

i'm off to the paternal side, which i ain't exactly turned on by the idea. imagination and recollection of this people... shudders.. but oh well, i'm pragmatic so i'm going. =p read deep into this. hahaha =p i'm off.

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