Sunday, September 18, 2005

did i mention i bought myself a new bible? i think it's so pretty. the brown leather cover, and it's ESV - English Standard Version, the same one andrew's using. maybe we could study the text together then. haha.

yay!~ i'm going to church today. haven't done so in 6 weeks. and i miss them alot. everyone in church. my kids, the youths, godpa, my cellgroup, and the musicians. all of them yes, i miss them all. probably miss the batch meal, not really interested in it, but i really wanna thank the juniors. shall get them something to thank them.

oh well, it's raining, and it's cold, but i know i can seek warmth from the Lord. things are just happening around me now, and i ain't exactly interested in paying attention to any particular one event at this point in time. if it's apathy Lord, help me, but if it's a breather i'm taking from all that hustle and bustle, then please let me have it.

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