Tuesday, June 29, 2004

resolute i am tonight,
with decisions i once thought meant all to me.
whatever comes, can also go,
and with that, i've learnt,
that it isn't your fault.
it ain't mine either,
and trust me,
i wish i could seriously pick up this tab.
that we don't talk,
yes you and i,
it's not a mistake.
it's just what it is,
the lack of communication.
if it's driven by a want,
then it couldn't have been avoided,
if otherwise,
there might have had been a chance to save it,
but we let it pass,
and it's gone now.
no need for tears,
or apologies.
it's just not appropriate.
the new may outshine the old in a spur,
but when the novelty wears off,
the now old seemingly lacklustre to the older.
gone with the wind,
as it came too with the wind.
i could have clung unto the wind,
and be blown away together with it,
but no, we let it pass,
and it's gone now.

goodnight earth.
i am thankful and grateful for what He's brought me through today.
i'm hoping for more guidance, and more resilience on my part.

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