Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Blessed indeed many are, simply because of His presence.

ever taken a step back to consider how true God's presence is in the whole world? not just in your own life, not just in your school, family, church or nation for that matter?

the intertwining nature of all things came across me to as the very situation that proves God's working in all things, everywhere, anywhere.

His omnipresence, omniscience and omnipotence is more real to me today. it's so because of the nature of the book i'm reading. i'm currently on this book, "man and boy" by Tony Parsons, and it speaks of broken families. no it doesn't just speak of broken families, but that part stands out to me. especially so since i once dated a girl from a broken family. i'm starting to realise the real-ness of the hurt and pain, but also the firm-ness of love and sacrifice, that's so rampant even in 'developed and cultured' (yeah right!)societies like the States and Singapore.


i noticed her silhouette behind the covers of the sun blockades. no doubt her features were more or less veiled by them as she descended along the flight of stairs, i couldn't help but hope it was her. i wasn't disappointed, and even till this day, it seemed to me at that instant like many others i have had, 'i've been visited by an angel'. just for a split second, yeah, but it was a beautiful moment.
i'm happy for now. thank you Lord for all you've given this morning =)


a meeting will take place at 11am, and it's about CTC. the debrief. i hope it goes well, and i know meaningful things will come out it! =) yay. hmm.. maybe i'll pop by TM later on to see whether i might just decide to spend that money.

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