Saturday, June 19, 2004

the manisfestation of respect or reverence - honour

late into the day as it's about to end, (8pm-ish) i chose to do something, simply because i had to honour my word with God. and it's the right thing to do, so the fact that i got to keep my honour was just a bonus.

dinner was good, but i think i overate. i'm feeling bloated now, and a little depressed. the weighing scale registers a weight loss, but i can't help but feel that i've put on weight over the month that i've not run my usual 2.4km runs.
hmmm.. i remember the days in sec 3 and 4 where i was training, and literally gobbling food down most of the time, but i was in tip top condition, both health and weight wise, because of the rigorous training. ok, since i don't exercise at that rate anymore, i should just cut down on my intake. yeah. i guess i'll do just that. i don't need that much anyway.

seriously, i've not much interest in the Euro2004 soccer games. don't ask me why, i've just lost the 'drive' to sit myself down in front of that box for more than 20mins in a row without feeling anything at all. it's not guilt, it's just not in my lifestyle to watch tv anymore. i do watch movies, in fact i love them, but not the tv. don't question the idiosyncracy.

it's too early for bed time, and i cannot sleep on such a filled tummy.
should i drink some chinese tea? gosh.. this bloated-ness is really getting to me.. =(

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