Wednesday, June 02, 2004

reflective updates


the morning started off at LE, haven't been there in quite a while now, almost 3 weeks i believe. but i was thankful i was back there.
came home for an afternoon of relaxation, tv, computer, and a 2 hour nap.
arranged an impromptu meet up with A, but the time shifted from 630 to after-SMT-finals-finish. so we only met up at 8, and surprisingly , played all the way till past midnight.
when i walked out of classic, i was telling myself, 'gosh, it's monday morning'
i should really restrain myself on sundays, didn't feel good to be out till that late anyway.


the afternoon started with a bus ride down to theQshop, and i spent about 1.5hours there. was still looking for my cue case. i don't think i would pay 6plus for a buffalo instroke lah, unless someone willingly sponsors me, which i doubt. haha. hmmm.. and i'm still thinking about the 3K1. need to discuss with samuel more about it.

took a train down to tanah merah, and i was early. 440, assuming the time was 5 as initially planned.
yongching came, and we both waited. it turned out that they had changed the time to 630, woah! only victor, he and i were not informed, and surprisingly, the three of us were the 3 'legs' of the planned mahjong binge at matt's place.
along came nerox who was early too, and the 4 of us started playing. managed to complete 3/4 a full game, (3 winds), and then we broke up for dinner. the food was hmm... ok. i wasn't really there for the food, more of the company. i remember the difference in feelings when i attended the first class bbq at nerox's place. hahaha, the vast difference!
hmm.. victor talked to me over the bbq, and as i mentioned in the earlier entry, i'm glad we talked. =)

well, the night truly started at 9pm. muahahaha. *evil laughter*
we started, and we never stopped till 2 full games were over. zhao zhi, matt, alvin, victor, roger and i were at matt's place till 345. alvin and matt were sleeping. haha. and we enjoyed ourselves. it was really a binge, and i was really happy.


need to start studying. will do so. adios.

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