in someone's words, the people who smile the most in the day are those who cry the hardest at night.
if i was given a choice, i think i would rather smile in the day and cry at night. at least then i know that in the course of the day, i brought joy to some with the smile i wore. it's fine with me that i cry at night, cause it would be to myself and Him, and the best part, He won't forsake me.
thanks for the sound advice you gave with regards to my mother, very simple, but very true. haha, leave her alone, angry/pissed/agitated mothers are individuals who see no other logic but theirs at that moment, so yeah, just stay clear.
i'm glad we're talking, i really am.
"maybe the next lunch we have wouldn't be that awkward anymore" quipped someone, and i couldn't help but smile at that hope.
it's amazing how hope gets you through life.
at the end of the day, should this friendship fall away with time, i would still thank you for having been part of a friendship that i once experienced hope, because it would have helped make me who i would be then.
night earth