when i got that sms from angelina, i was elated. it was during econs lecture, and to see her name appear on my cellular once again, i felt warm all over. i miss her lots.
she's gone back to indo, but she'll be back again soon, hope we do get to go out and catch up..
when that call got through, and though it was a brief 10-15mins we spoke, i'm glad i got to speak to her.
looking forward to go for the classical piano concert in july (imagine watching a 92yr old play the piano with all that experience), and the nearer one would be the good friday play. hmmm.. seriously, i haven't really been to any play of this sort, only acted in one, the one that KPC put up in our church, about 3-4years ago?
hahaha, those were the days, when we were all younger. i wonder how my stage crew mates are all doing now. how those dance girls are doing now. come to think of it, one of them's my neighbour, 4blocks away, i wonder how she's doing.
it's been a really pleasant day.
played pool with a new friend.
had a good dinner with my brother.
watched 'Love Actually'.
talked to nice people.
drank chocolate milk.
and smiled throughout most of the day.
night earth =)