ever wondered why you stopped drinking milk as a kid? and went on to solid food? or even better, why your mother stopped breast feeding you? (putting the bio aside) and moved you on to milk powder?
you grow stronger as you wane yourself off the things you need. as a young infant, you needed milk, and look at the hell a kid can give you when he's not given his fair share of milk? wouldn't you agree that you needed it quite badly then?
move on to the time you started eating from a plate/bowl of your own? where your parents would dish you a small portion of whatever solid food they ate like chicken rice? or some veg?
apart from the literal intake of sustenance, ask yourself what else happened?
you grew to be a stronger being wouldn't you say so?
in that light, maybe i should wane myself off the things i hold dear to my heart, the things i 'need' per se, like my friends? the time spent on the phone with my close friends? the time i give to myself? the space given to me?
it might make me a stronger person, but it would definitely be painful and lonely. it's a chance i'm taking against a known fact. and we wonder why we take risk huh.. haha.
i don't know, you guys tell me, i'll let you all decide.
maybe i'll regress into the life of an old grumpy hermit, a curmudgeon.