Wednesday, April 28, 2004

i won't say i'm elated, but i must say that i'm happy you've made up your mind. at least now you know you're on one side of the fence and not the other. be glad you're no longer sitting on the fence, that hurts.
whatever the consequences might be, be mindful that you have to live with it now. don't fret though, because the future's unknown, and there's still hope!

it may seem bleak from here, it happens from time to time, even though you've made your decision now.
it's like preparing for your latest big exam, which was the Os. hahaha, you slogged so hard for it, and on the afternoon that you take your last paper, your journey home seems weird. it feels as though you're missing something, but you soon realise the meaning of that feeling. be happy about it, and start to smile, it does more than make you feel better at that moment in time.

your friends are there for you, and if i'm included in that circle of people, then yes, i'm there for you too. i want to be, and i'm waiting for the second green light you could consider giving. do you remember the first? haha. =)
i'm pondering on the issue of being frank with you, but i'm reminded that some things need not to be said. in her words, you probably already know, but it's not the right time to talk about it now, so i'll leave it as that for now. let me know in your own ways when you're good to talk, and i'll be more than glad to share with you what i would like to tell you. =)


i'm in the midst of constructing my study schedule. hahaha, yes, i'm pretty revved up about my studies now, esp since i've not done my tutorials properly up till this point in the week.
i hope to get back on track, i hope for alot of things, but it would be nothing more than hope if i don't do anything about it.

i'm going for my bike prac now, 2BL4. hahaha, 4 more lessons before i can register for my test date. cleared my theory section already, now need to book a date for my RTT, hope i can clear that too.
alright now, take care all on this warm wednesday afternoon.