Sunday, July 11, 2004


well, The Bloke's been very much in my weekend, and we've haven't been talking alot, but i know He's waiting quietly at the corner. i've not given my fair share of time, and it's probably why i feel the weekend zoom past without much meaning anyway.

ok, before i pop out of the house to church and then for an early afternoon relaxing, before i come back and nap, here's the homework list.
1. Econs Essay
2. GP written work - need to pack the file i guess
3. general packing of the file i carry around, the notes are all in a mess.
4. AOB relating to work i guess.

where my heart is, would be where i feel happy being, it's where i would be when i'm unhappy too, cause it'll be the place i would want to be, whatever i feel, whenever i can, and with whomever i may be with.

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