Wednesday, July 14, 2004

114 - i have to go all the way down before i can bounce back up.

it's weird that i'm up at this time. haha, i woke up a whole hour earlier than usual, probably cause i thought i set my alarm to 530, but it was actually 430. haha. hmmm.. good that i'm up actually, need some quiet time to myself to think things through, although i probably spend this time doing my tutorials. would catch up on my math Trigo in the 3 period break today that i have before the math revision lectures. it seems to be the only subject that i can do anything about these days.

haven't really been thinking, haven't really been thanking.
i've been worrying too much,
and above all that, i've been too self-centered and concerned about the short term all over once again.

if it means that i be grounded, then ground me. i ain't really interested in going out with anyone in particular nowadays anyway. maybe i'll just be a cooped up old grumpy hermit locked up in my room with my books, and i just read and read, and read. i can't say that i won't yearn to play pool, cause i really love it, but sometimes we have to lock our feelings aside i guess.

alright, i'm off to talk to Him, decided to do so before i start the day. hope it's a day in which His purpose if fufilled.

morning people. =)

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