ok, it's been quite some time now, but yeah, i've been busy.
i've learnt to feel what it means to see others break down, namely my dearest darling christina, (my really dear council mate lah, she's got her boyfriend, so don't go thinking rubbish yeah? hahah) and the council on the whole too, with the bonding session we had on sat. it was a good time of soul baring to each other, and i'm thankful i saw the less sacarstic, the more emotional side of ms yong.
i must admit, i ain't really close to her, or as close as i've been to ms ee when she was still the council 1st TA, but yeah, things change, and we have to learn to adapt.
i'm learning new things each day, about others, and about myself too.
i lost 1.5kg as registered on the sch weighing machine, and i'm about another 1.5kg from getting out of taf i believe.
i like that short period of waiting. it's hard for me to speak into someone's face, but i'm learning, and i was comfortable doing so just now, speaking to you. thank you. =)
i) i will talk to God EVERYDAY
ii) i will do my tutorials EVERYDAY
iii) i will do AT LEAST one thing for the betterment of my council each day, and pray He guide me to lead them the way He wants me to.
those are my 3 pebbles. they're blue, nice colour, and they're on my desk.
i got my table planner, will go fill it in later if i've got the time.
that's all for today. goodnight people.