do we never allow ourselves to ponder about the worst possibilities in every possible circumstance simply because we don't want them to happen?
if that is true, then is it because we do not think about them that these outcomes do not come true?
i wanted to ask my friend what would be her greatest disappointment towards her boyfriend, but then i realised, she might not have an answer readily because she does not want to think of being disappointed with him in that magnitude, thus i withheld the question. i threw the question back at myself, and i found out too, i could not answer it, for likewise, i had not given it such thought, and i was not eager to.
i do not for one second doubt that God knows what would caused Him to be the most disappointed with us, and because he does know, it only shows He has given it thought.
not in any way did He require to think about it to know the answer since He is all-knowing, but it stands out like a sore thumb amongst all the rest who have not thought about things as such with regards to their love ones, that we have not thought about it, thus we have no idea of how we will prevent circumstances from getting to that stage, or worse still, how we (those who do not think about such things) would react should the worst actually be reality one day.