Thursday, April 03, 2003

i'm waiting for my movies to finish downloading.

1. enemy at the gates.
2. daredevil
3. primal fear
4. chicago

these are the four i'm currently downloading, aka pirating from Kazaa. hahaha. =p

i love cable, at least in the area i stay, cause few or hardly any people use cable, so i get most of the bandwidth.

for those techies out there, here's a good webbie for you. it checks your bandwidth for you, esp if you're on broadband by singnet or pacnet. you signed up for 512kbps? you better check again. hahaha. *evil grin*

i am so bored.. and i feel like playing the guitar, but i have nothing new to play on it. it's always those few songs, and those few chords. boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! arGh!!!!!

i seriously hope they don't extent the suspension of school due to the SARS virus. this is sickening!

i realise i have been very short-fused lately, i will keep check of it in the days to come, i hope. -at least i wanna try ok?-

so long now folks. this is all i have for my evening entry of my blog. =)