This is probably the start of something new like those that i've started before.
It's my recording of what i feel as and when i like it, and when the circumstances permit it that i get to use this keyboard, because i won't be using Grafitti to record this events i pen down.
I'm in school now, it's a thursday evening, and i'm just half done with copying my physics holiday assignment. yes even though i'm the president of the student's council, i'm copying homework. i ain't about to do something stupid like confessing that i've not done my homework and get shot down for it. i feel it's the best option i have for now.
Today's PCCG period was an interesting session where Ms Lai, actually marketed the council well, i'm thankful she did that. i know my council has worked hard for the past month at least, and i think that praise and claps were due, although they weren't really enthusiastic. i'm going to speak tomorrow to Ms Lai about the 'council calender' since it was Ms Yong's idea that it would be a good time to catch Ms Lai over dinner since it would be casual. i'm thankful i got hold of the physics assignments i copied from.
Fun mama came back to school today, and she gave me a gift, thanks so much for it fun! i do miss her, i confess it.
things have unfolded in the past few days, and yes, only time is capable of knowing how great love CAN be, if nurtured properly, with the right intentions. so many things are running through my head now, and those things that many people have said to me are coming back slowly now, but surely. i will do my bible study tonight, i'm looking forward to it as a matter of fact. i'll stop here for now, and maybe i d make my way home thinking about some things, or i might just go with the flow, and be absorbed into my surrondings. take care all you people out there.