Thursday, November 20, 2008

Lord, i pray for:

to guard the hearts of your people who are going through this economic meltdown. twice today the news was updated, and it's scary. the way companies are slashing their workforce.

in the families that are going through a rough patch, whatever the reasons might be, known or unknown to others and themselves, but definitely known to You, i pray you comfort them as they draw strength from You.

to overcome bitterness, tears, and harsh words that might roll from their tongue. may it together with Your Holy Spirit that resides in them be victorious over all unloving thoughts, actions and words. 

and last but not least,

for those who are still taking exams, or haven't started yet for that matter. When the going gets tough, let them look to you faith knowing that since You've brought them to it, You would bring them through it. for a special friend who's very uncertain of his future that are anchored on his grades, i pray You teach him that with You, all things are possible. 


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

playing with fire

i don't understand why people do the things they do sometimes, like how i don't understand why i do the things i choose to do at times.
it hurts, it's painful, and it's... plain stupid.

all this messing around's getting nowhere. no where at all.
God help me.

plans are but fragments of your imagination until they're concretized in history by action.
i've got plans, do i have the cement or the ink to put them down in history?
i sure hope so.

honestly i'm already thinking of the next semester when i ain't even done with my current exams. why is my mind straying?

argh... it's another 72 hours away.. tick tock tick tock. 
painfully slowly, yet a little too quickly for my comfort. 
i'm confused. i think i am. am i?

ok i feel like i'm speaking into a mirror, this is weird by the current circumstances, but it wasn't too long ago that i used to do this quite often eh? not literally, i meant talking to myself; thinking.