3 days of camp!!!!
TGIO!!!!! hahaha, that being Thank God it's OVER!!!! hahaha, but thank Him it was Ok too. yeah, indeed it was. a great time of learning, and sharing, and self-sacrificing.
to be in a member of a group made up of leaders, that indeed was something new for me. i've always like leading, but through this camp, i've learnt that sometimes, i just have to 'not lead' due to the circumstances. yeah.
hmmm, i've grown closer to quite a few people, especially those within the council. i remembered how a few of us were ridiculing about why the councillors were grouped in 2 major groups, without any other memebers within our groups of 8 respectively, but at the end of the camp, i realised why. the objectives set out intially were met to, and i'm happy they were.
in life, there will be people you like, and others you don't like as much, but i believe a precious lesson i've learnt in this camp, is that people are people, and they don't depend on you, so why not have an extra friend rather than an enemy. =)
i hope to recuperate my energy mentally and physically today, cause lessons start tomorrow. a next obstacle would be the Mid-Years. in 2.5weeks time, they happen. alright now, i have to go.
ciao everyone, just continue being yourself, so long it brings more joy to the people who like you, and brings less pain to those who can't accept you for who you are.
-did i tell you i missed you?-